"Observe those gondoliers," said Candide; "are they not perpetually singing?" "You do not see them," answered Martin, "at home with their wives and brats. The dog has his chagrin, gondoliers theirs. Nevertheless, in the main I look upon the gondolier's life as preferable to that of the dog; but the difference is so trifling that it is not worth the trouble of examining into." I have heard great talk," said Candide, "of the Senator Pococuranté , who lives in that fine house at the Brenta, where they say he entertains foreigners in the most polite manner. They pretend this man is a perfect stranger to uneasiness." "I should be glad to see so extraordinary a being," said Martin. Candide thereupon sent a messenger to Signer Pococuranté, desiring permission to wait on him the next day. CHAPTER XXV. Candide and Martin pay a visit to Signor Pococuranté, a noble Venetian. CANDIDE and his friend Martin went into a gondola on the Brenta, and arrived at the palace of the noble Pococuranté ": the gardens were laid out in elegant taste, and adorned with fine marble statues; his palace was built after the most approved rules of architecture. The master of the house, who was a man of sixty, and very rich, received our two travellers with great politeness, but without much ceremony, which somewhat disconcerted Candide, but was not at all displeasing to Martin. As soon as they were seated, two very pretty girls, neatly dressed, brought in chocolate, which was extremely well frothed. Candide could not help making encomiums upon their beauty and graceful carriage. |