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A name for the Greek mainland, derived from a region in the northern Peloponnese. Hence the Acheans, for the name of the people who fought against Troy in Homer’s Iliad. Bk III:511-527; Bk V:294-331; Bk VII:501-613.
Bk IV:604-662. Its peoples accept the worship of Bacchus.
Bk V:572-641. Arethusa’s country.
Bk VII:100-158. The Argonauts are Achaeans.
Bk VIII:260-328. It is threatened by Diana’s avenging wild boar.
Bk XII:64-145. The country of the Greeks, who attack Troy.
Bk XV:259-306. It contained the destroyed cities of Helice and Buris.

Callirhoë, daughter of Acheloüs. Bk IX:394-417.

The Sirens, the daughters of Acheloüs. Bk V:533-571.

A river and river god, whose waters separated Acarnania and Aetolia. He offers hospitality to Theseus and his companions and tells the story of Perimele. Bk VIII:547-610.
Bk VIII:611-678. Pirithoüs accuses him of too much credulity concerning the power of the gods to alter human forms.
Bk VIII:725-776. He tells of Proteus, and of Erysichthon.
Bk VIII:843-884. He tells of Mestra.
Bk IX:1-88. He tells the story of how he wrestled with Hercules and lost one of his horns.
Bk IX:89-158. He is fortunate compared to Nessus.
Bk XIV:75-100. The Sirens are his daughters.

A river of the underworld, the underworld itself.
Bk V:533-571. The god of the river, father of Ascalaphus by the nymph Orphne.
Bk XI:474-572. It is in the deepest pit of the infernal regions.

The Greek hero of the Trojan War. The son of Peleus, king of Thessaly, and the sea-goddess Thetis. (See Homer’s Iliad).
Bk VIII:260-328. His father is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk XI:221-265. He is conceived when Peleus holds the shape-changing Thetis, and forces her to adopt her true form.
Bk XII:64-145. He is a Greek hero at Troy, and defeats the seemingly invulnerable Cycnus.
Bk XII:146-209. He sacrifices to Pallas, and asks Nestor to tell the story of Caeneus.
Bk XII:290-326. Nestor tells him of his father’s armour bearer.
Bk XII:579-628. Bk XIII:481-575. He is killed by Paris’s arrow, at Apollo’s instigation. The Greeks dispute over the ownership of his armour.
Bk XIII:123-381. Victim of an unequal fate. (He famously wished for a short and glorious life, rather than a long, inglorious one.) Dolon was promised his horses for spying on the Greeks.
Bk XIII:429-480. He appears as a ghost demanding the sacrifice of Polyxena.
Bk XIII:576-622. He had killed Memnon in battle.
Bk XV:843-870. His achievements surpass those of his father Peleus.
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