Fauni The fauns. Demi-gods. Rural deities with horns and tails. Bk I:177-198. Faunus (1) Father of Acis. An ancient king of Latium. Bk XIII:738-788. Bk XIV:445-482. Father of Latinus. Faunus (2) A god of the fields and flocks, identified with Pan. Worshipped by country people. Bk VI:313-381. Faunus (3) Fauni, Demi-gods, ranked with Satyrs. Bk I:177-198. Bk VI:382-400. Favonius The west wind, bringer of warmth and spring. Bk IX:595-665. Fortuna Goddess of fortune, chance, fate. Her attributes are the wheel, the globe, the ship’s rudder and prow, and the cornucopia. She is sometimes winged, and blindfolded. (See Leonardo’s drawings.) Bk II:111-149. Bk XIII:1-122. Furies See Erinys and Eumenides. § Galanthis Handmaid to Alcmena. She deceives Lucina the goddess of childbirth, and is punished by being turned into a weasel, with the same tawny hair. (Weasels in England are reddish-brown. Ovid says ‘flava comus’ which suggests reddish-yellow. The birth of its young through its mouth has, of course, no biological validity, but Graves suggests it derives from the weasel’s habit of carrying its young in its mouth from place to place!) Bk IX:273-323. Galatea A sea nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris. ( See the fresco ‘Galatea’ by Raphael, Rome, Farnesina) Bk XIII:738-788. She tells her story to Scylla. Loving Acis, she is pursued by Polyphemus. Bk XIII:789-869. She hears Polyphemus’s complaint. Bk XIII:870-897. When Acis is crushed by the rock, thrown at him by Polyphemus, she changes Acis into his ancestral form of a river. Bk XIII:898-968. She ends her story to Scylla and departs. |