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A lake and the town near it in Boeotia, named from the mother of Cycnus (2) by Apollo. She turns into a lake weeping for her son, whom she thinks dead. Bk VII:350-403.


A name for Bacchus from the shouts of his worshippers. Bk IV:1-30.

Of Ialysos, a city on the north eastern coast of the island of Rhodes. Bk VII:350-403.

The daughter of Telestes of Dicte, who is loved by Iphis, a girl reared as a boy, and betrothed to her. Bk IX:714-763.
Bk IX:764-797. Iphis is transformed into a boy by Isis, and marries her.

The Roman two-headed god of doorways and beginnings, equivalent to the Hindu elephant god Ganesh. The Janus mask is often depicted with one melancholy and one smiling face.
Bk XIV:320-396. The father of Canens.
Bk XIV:772-804. The naiades have a spring by his (later) temple.

Atlas, the son of Iapetus. Bk IV:604-662.

A Titan, father of Prometheus, Atlas and Epimetheus. Bk I:68-88. Bk IV:604-662.

The region in the heel of Italy. Apulia. Its king was Daunus. Named after Iapyx. Bk XIV:445-482. Bk XIV:483-511. Bk XV:1-59.
Bk XV:622-745.

A son of Daedalus, who ruled in Apulia in southern Italy. Bk XV:1-59.

Son of Jupiter and Corythus’s wife Electra.
Bk IX:418-438. Ceres fell in love with him and lay with him in the thrice-ploughed field. She wishes she could obtain a renewal of his youth.
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