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Nysa, Nyseïdes
Heliconian Mount Nysa. The Nyseïds were the nymphs Macris, Erato, Bromie, Bacche and Nysa who hid Bacchus in their cave and nurtured him. They became the Hyades. Bk III:273-315.
Bk VII:294-349. Medea restores their youth.

An epithet of Bacchus, from Mount Nysa. Bk IV:1-30.


The Ocean, personified as a sea-god, son of Earth and Air, and husband of Tethys his sister. Oceanus and Tethys are also the Titan and Titaness ruling the planet Venus. Some say from his waters all living things originated and Tethys produced all his children. Visited by Juno for help in punishing Callisto. Bk II:508-530. Bk XV:1-59.
Bk IX:439-516.He married his sister, Tethys.
Bk XIII:898-968. With Tethys, he purges Glaucus.

Daughter of Chiron the Centaur and the water-nymph Chariclo, and named after the river where she was born.
A prophetess of Apollo, she foretells Aesculapius’s fate and that of her father Chiron. She is turned into a horse by the gods for her pains. Bk II:633-675.

An epithet from a tribe in Thrace, used for Thracian. Bk VI:486-548.
Bk XIII:481-575. Polymestor, the Thracian king.

Oeagrius, Oeagrus
Of Oeagrus an ancient king of Thrace. Supposedly the father of Orpheus and of Linus his brother. Their mother was the Muse Calliope. Bk II:201-226.

Oebalides, Oebalius
Spartan, from Oebalus, king of Sparta. See Hyacinthus. Bk X:143-219. Bk XIII:382-398.

A city in Euboea.
Bk IX:89-158. Ruled by King Eurytus who offered his daughter Iole to whoever won an archery contest, but he refused Hercules the prize. Hercules killed his eldest son Iphitus, and fell in love with Iole. He had to appease Jove for this breach of his role as a guest.
Bk IX:324-393. Bk IX:324-393. Iole’s city.
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