Sample Uses

Below are some of the ways Gleeditions serves students, educators, and independent readers.

For Students

• Plumb the layers of challenging texts with a guide to close reading
• Research and write papers on themes, characters, and other elements of a literary text
• Support your points with evidence from the text located quickly and easily with its Search/Index features
• Use the Background in Brief for a quick grasp of the particular historical context related to a text
• View paintings, maps, graphics, and/or video clips related to a text that enhance your understanding of it

For Educators

• Locate a preferred edition of a text online, with notes reviewed by specialists in the field
• Quickly prepare for lecture, using the Background in Brief for a concise overview of literary-historical context
• Use the Search tool to locate passages in the literary work that highlight points in your class discussion
• Project the annotated pages on an overhead screen to discuss a passage with students in class
• Have students compare and contrast passages in a text to their performance on screen

For Independent Readers

• Teach yourself to grasp the deeper meanings of literary texts
• Increase your command of various literary elements at work in a text
• Get a quick overview of the historical background related to a text
• Prepare for book talks or group meetings on a text
• Satisfy your curiosity about an issue or topic in a text using its Background in Brief, Annotations, and/or Index
• Keep up with developments in the literary field with the site’s Literary News udpates
• Watch acclaimed video clips of literary works

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