SCENE VII (TARTUFFE, ELMIRE, ORGON) TARTUFFE [without seeing ORGON ] All things conspire, madame, for my contentment: I've closely examined the whole apartment; No one is around, and my heart's delight. . . [Just as TARTUFFE comes forward with open arms to embrace ELMIRE, she steps back and TARTUFFE sees ORGON .] ORGON [stopping him] Hold on! Your desires are too quick to ignite, And you mustn't let passion be overdone. Oh! Man of blessings, you wished to give me one! How temptation has taken over your life! You'd marry my daughter, and covet my wife! I've doubted your word for quite a long while, And I've always believed you'd change your style; But this is enough to give me my proof: I am fed up and want no more, Tartuffe. ELMIRE [to TARTUFFE] It was against my will to act this way, But I was forced into the part I play. TARTUFFE [to ORGON ] What? You think . . . |