SCENE VI (VALERE, ORGON, CLEANTE, ELMIRE, MARIANE, MADAME PERNELLE, DAMIS, DORINE) VALERE I'm sorry, sir, that I've come to distress you; But certain dangers may soon oppress you. A friend, whose love for me is deep and true And who knows how much I care about you, Has had enough courage to violate The secrecy of affairs of state And has just now sent me word that you might Be well-advised to take sudden flight. The villain who has been imposing on you Has gone to the Prince to accuse you too, And put into his hands, like a blade of hate, The vital papers of a traitor of State, Which he says that you've kept in secrecy Despite the duties of aristocracy. I don't know the details of the alleged crime, But a warrant against you has been signed, And he himself is assigned to assist Those who will soon come to make the arrest. CLEANTE Now his claims are well-armed; and the ingrate Seeks to become master of your estate. |