SCENE VI (ORGON, DAMIS, TARTUFFE) ORGON What do I hear? Good God! Is it credible? TARTUFFE Yes, brother, I'm wicked and culpable, A sorry sinner, full of iniquity, As great a wretch as there ever could be. My entire life has been soiled with evil; It's nothing but a mass of sinful upheaval. And I see that God has, for my punishment, Chosen to mortify me with this event. Let them connect any crime with my name; I waive all defense and take all the blame. Believe what they tell you, stoke up your wrath, And drive me like a felon from your path. The shame that I bear cannot be too great, For I know I deserve a much worse fate. ORGON [to his son] Traitor! Do you dare, by your duplicity, To taint both his virtue and purity? DAMIS What? Can the false meekness of this hypocrite Cause you to belie . . . ORGON Shut up, you misfit. |