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The Canterbury Tales
Geoffery Chaucer

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"The Nun's Priest's Prologue" courtesy Gerard NeCastro, University of Maine at Machias.

The Nun's Priest's Prologue (Middle English)

NPT 2767 "Hoo!" quod the Knyght, "good sire, namoore of this!
NPT 2768 That ye han seyd is right ynough, ywis,
NPT 2769 And muchel moore; for litel hevynesse
NPT 2770 Is right ynough to muche folk, I gesse.
NPT 2771 I seye for me, it is a greet disese,
NPT 2772 Whereas men han been in greet welthe and ese,
NPT 2773 To heeren of hire sodeyn fal, allas!
NPT 2774 And the contrarie is joye and greet solas,
NPT 2775 As whan a man hath been in povre estaat,
NPT 2776 And clymbeth up and wexeth fortunat,
NPT 2777 And there abideth in prosperitee.
NPT 2778 Swich thyng is gladsom, as it thynketh me,
NPT 2779 And of swich thyng were goodly for to telle."
NPT 2780 "Ye," quod oure Hooste, "by Seint Poules belle!
NPT 2781 Ye seye right sooth; this Monk he clappeth lowde.
NPT 2782 He spak how Fortune covered with a clowde
NPT 2783 I noot nevere what; and als of a tragedie
NPT 2784 Right now ye herde, and pardee, no remedie
NPT 2785 It is for to biwaille ne compleyne
NPT 2786 That that is doon, and als it is a peyne,
NPT 2787 As ye han seyd, to heere of hevynesse.
NPT 2788 "Sire Monk, namoore of this, so God yow blesse!
NPT 2789 Youre tale anoyeth al this compaignye.
NPT 2790 Swich talkyng is nat worth a boterflye,
NPT 2791 For therinne is ther no desport ne game.
NPT 2792 Wherfore, sire Monk, daun Piers by youre name,
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