maad: made
*maistow, maystow: may you, you may
*make: mate, husband, make
maner(e): kind of, manner
maugre: in spite of
mede: reward
met(te): dream
*mo: more
mooste: most; greatest
*moot(e) (n): may, must, ought to; so (also, ever)
moot I: as I hope to
*morewe: morrow, morning
*mowe: may
*muche(l): much, many (a)
*nam: am not
namely: especially, specifically
*namo, namoore: no more
*nas: was not
*nat: not
*nathelees: nevertheless
*ne: not, nor
*nere: were not
niste: did not know
noght: nought, nothing; not
*nolde: would not
*nones, nonys: occasion
*noon: none, no
*noot: know not
*nyce: foolish
*nys: is not
nyste: knew not